X++ (Object oriented programming language) the data or values
stored in a Variable are of below types:
- Primitive dataTypes - int, str, real .... etc.
- Composite dataTypes - Arrays, Containers, Collection Classes
Container Functions
1.ConPeek( )
- The conPeek() is used to retrieve a specific element from a container.
- Syntax: anytype conPeek(container container, int number)
- container - The container to return an element from.
- number - The position of the element to return.
Specify 1 to get the first element.
- Return value: The element in the container at the position specified
by the number parameter. The conPeek function automatically converts
the peeked item into the expected return type.
Ex : static void Ex_Conpeek(Args _args)
container c = ['Test', 27,'Rajendra',10.000000000];
info(strFmt('%1 - %2', conPeek(c, 1), conPeek(c, 2)));
info(strFmt('%1 - %2', conPeek(c, 1),conPeek(c, 3)));
info(strFmt('%1 - %2', conPeek(c, 1),conPeek(c, 4)));
2.ConPoke( )
- The conPoke() is used to modify a container by replacing
one or more of the existing elements.
- container conPoke(container container, int start, anytype element, ...)
- container - The container to modify.
- start - The position of the first element to replace.
- element - One or more elements to replace, separated by commas.
- Return value: The new container with the inserted elements.
Ex : static void Ex_Conpoke(Args _args)
container con = ["Rajendra",123]; //intial data
con = conPoke(con,2,143143); // after modification Done
info(strFmt("%1 - %2",conPeek(con,1),conPeek(con,2)));
- conIns() is used to insert one or more elements into a container.
- Syntax: container conIns(container container, int start, anytype element, ...)
- container - The container into which to insert elements.
- start - The position at which to insert elements.
- element - One or more elements to insert, separated by commas.
- Return value: The new container with the inserted elements.
Ex : static void Ex_ConIns(Args _args)
container con = ["Rajendra",410];//intial container Data
con = conIns(con,3,123456); //After Data Inserted into Container
info(strFmt("%1 - %2 - %3",conPeek(con,1),conPeek(con,2),conPeek(con,3)));
4.ConFind( )
- The conFind() is used to find the first occurrence of an element or a sequence of elements in a container.
- Syntax: int conFind (container container, anytype element,... )
- container - The container to search.
- element - One or more elements to search for, separated by commas.
- Return value: Returns 0 if the item was not found; otherwise, the sequence number of the item.
Ex: static void Ex_ConFind(Args _args)
container con = ["Rajendra",410];
// conFind() function finds position in the container that a certain value
info(strFmt("410 is found at position %1 - Rajendra is found at position %2",conFind(con,410),conFind(con,"Rajendra")));
5.ConLen( )
- The conLen() is used to retrieve the number of elements in a container.
- Syntax: int conLen(container container)
- container - The container in which to count the number of elements.
- Return value: The number of elements in the container.
Ex : static void Ex_ConLen(Args _args)
container con = ["Rajendra",123,'A',4.2525];
info(strFmt("Length of a Container is %1",conLen(con)));
6.ConDel( )
- The conDel() is used to remove the specified number of elements from a container.
- Syntax: container conDel(container container, int start, int number)
- container - The container from which to remove elements.
- start - The one-based position at which to start removing elements.
- number - The number of elements to delete.
- Return value: A new container without the removed elements.
Ex: static void Ex_ConDel(Args _args)
container con = ["Rajendra",1254];
con = conDel(con,2,1);
info(strFmt("%1--%2 ",conPeek(con,1),conPeek(con,2))); // 0 indicates that 1254 has been deleted & no element is there
7.Connull( )
- The conNull() is used to retrieve an empty container. Use this function to explicitly dispose of the contents of a container.
- Syntax: container conNull()
- Return value: An empty container.
Ex : static void Ex_ConNull(Args _args)
container con = ["Hello","Welcome","To","Ax",2012,"R3"];
info(strFmt("Container conNull() before : %1 - %2 - %3 - %4
- %5 -%6",conPeek(con,1),conPeek(con,2),conPeek(con,3),conPeek(con,4)
con = conNull(); //clears the container
info(strFmt("Container conNull() after : %1 - %2 - %3 - %4 - %5 - %6",conPeek(con,1),conPeek(con,2),conPeek(con,3),conPeek(con,4),