Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Create and use cache mechanism in D365 F&O using x++

Below class is used to set, get, remove cache from the application

public class ENCGlobalCacheManager


    // This string is appended for the values that are containers. Avoids type mismatches

    public static const str cont = "_container";

    private static str getUniqueSessionId()


        return curUserId() + "_" + int2Str(sessionId());



    public static anytype get(anytype _key, anytype _returnValue = '')


        return appl.globalCache().get(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId(), _key, _returnValue);



    public static anytype getContainer(anytype _key, anytype _returnValue = '')




            return appl.globalCache().get(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId() + ENCGlobalCacheManager::cont, _key, _returnValue);




            return null;



    public static boolean isSet(anytype _key)


        return appl.globalCache().isSet(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId(), _key);


    public static boolean containerIsSet(anytype _key)


        return appl.globalCache().isSet(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId() + ENCGlobalCacheManager::cont, _key);



    public static boolean remove(anytype _key)


        return appl.globalCache().remove(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId(),  _key);



    public static boolean removeContainer(anytype _key)


        return appl.globalCache().remove(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId() + ENCGlobalCacheManager::cont,  _key);



    public static boolean set(anytype _key, anytype _value, boolean _isVolatile = true)


        return appl.globalCache().set(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId(), _key, _value, _isVolatile);



    public static boolean setContainer(anytype _key, anytype _value, boolean _isVolatile = true)


        return appl.globalCache().set(ENCGlobalCacheManager::getUniqueSessionId() + ENCGlobalCacheManager::cont, _key, _value, _isVolatile);



How to set value to cache

If (ENCGlobalCacheManager::isSet("KeyValue"))




ENCGlobalCacheManager::set("KeyValue", "Value");

KeyValue - KeyValue can be anything like salesId, custGroupId

Value    - Actual value to set in cache

How to get value to cache



    this.Value= ENCGlobalCacheManager::get("KeyValue");

