static void
CON_functions(Args _args)
int i;
real r;
str s;
container con;
date d;
// AifDocumentCreateAttribute
//i = 1<<4;
//i = 1>>4;
//i = (100>101)?1:5;
//i = abs(10*20.69544);
abs Retrieves the absolute value of a real number.
// i = acos(180);
acos Retrieves the arc cosine of a real number.
// i = 42373;
//mydate = any2date(i); any2date
//s = 1;
//st = any2enum(s);
// x = any2int(s);
// x = any2int64(s);
// x = any2real(s);
// x = any2str(s); any2str
// i = asin(1.2);
// i = atan(1/0);
// x = attributeStr(AifDocumentCreateAttribute); attributeStr
// beep(); beep
// x = char2num("RaJendra",1); char2num
// x = classIdGet(obj);
// x = classStr(Global); classStr
//con =
//info(strfmt("%1",conPeek(con,5))); conPeek
//con = conPoke(con,2,"Chilukuri's");
//info(strfmt("%1",conPeek(con,2))); conPoke
//s = conLen(con);
//info(strfmt("%1",s)); conLen
//con = conIns(con,5,"Hello How are You ??????");
//info(strFmt("%1",conPeek(con,5))); conIns
//info(strFmt("%1",conFind(con,"410"))); conFind
//con = conNull();
//info(strFmt("%1",conPeek(con,1))); conNull
//con = conDel(con,1,1);
//info(strFmt("%1" ,conPeek(con,1))); // conDel
//i = corrflagset(0.369,2);
//i = cos(900);
cos Retrieves the cosine
of a real number.
//i = cosh(0);
cosh Argument values outside
of the range –250 to 250 result in the following run-time error: "Argument
for trigonometric function out of range."
//i = cTerm(10,100,50);
cTerm Calculates the number
of periods required for the current investment value to yield a target value.
//x = curext();
curext Retrieves the
extension that is used for the current company.
//x = curUserId();
curUserId Retrieves the
nonnumeric ID that represents the current user.
//x = datasetStr(CustomerList); datasetStr Retrieves the name of a dataset as a
//d = today();
// s = date2num(d);
date2num Converts a date to an
integer that corresponds to the number of days since 1 January, 1900.
// date2Str Converts the specified date
to a string.
utc2 = 1959-06-17T15:44:33;
//x = datetime2str(utc2);
Retrieves the name of a form.
// i = frac(1.3658);
Retrieves the decimal part of a real number.
//info(strFmt("%1",funcName())); //Retrieves a
string that contains the current function context. o/p con_functions
//setPrefix("Hello"); Retrieves the current execution prefix
after successive calls to the setPrefix function.
//setPrefix("Whole Ax Team");
//date refDate = str2Date("4/9/2007", 213);
//date inputDate = str2Date("10/5/2007", 213);
//int numberOfIntervals;
//numberOfIntervals = intvMax(inputDate, refDate,
//i = logn(100);
Retrieves the natural logarithm of the specified real number.
//s = match("<abc","abcdef"); Searches for a string or expression
within another string.
//s = min(12,15,19);
//d = maxDate();
Retrieves the maximum value allowed for a variable of type date.
//i = maxInt();
//x = methodStr(Calculator,exponent); Validates that the specified method exists
in the specified class; if not, a compiler error occurs.
//d = mkDate(11,1,2016); Creates a date based on three integers,
which indicate the day, month, and year, respectively.
//str x1 =mthName(1); Retrieves the name of the specified
//s = mthOfYr(today());
//d = prevyr(today());
//x = num2char(67); Converts an integer to the
corresponding ASCII character.
//d = num2date(364); // Retrieves the date that
corresponds to the specified number of days after 01\01\1900.
//s = power(5,2);
//i = round(15,4.00);
//int seconds = 10;
//int i1;
//i = sleep(60);
//d = str2Date("31/02/2010",213);
//s = strAlpha("?a*bc123."); Copies only the alphanumeric characters
from a string.
//i = strCmp("Raj","Raj");
//strColSeq Converts all uppercase
characters to lowercase characters and converts all characters with accents to
the corresponding unaccented lowercase characters.
Creates a copy of a string with the specified substring removed.
returns str2 values based on str1
",3))); Repeats a string of
//info(strFmt("%1",timeNow())); The number of seconds that have
elapsed since midnight.
//r = trunc(3.12);
//print strFmt("r = %1", r); Truncates a real number by
removing any decimal places.
//info(strFmt("%1",year(today()))); Retrieves the year from a date value.
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